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It was my path.

I came from a legacy of quilters.  As a kid, I used to watch my grandmother sew quilts. I can remember sitting beside her at the quilting frame watching her create such beautiful patterns within the quilt.  These secondary patterns worked to compliment the quilt top, to make the piecing shine. I could just sit for hours and watch her painstakingly rock her needle back and forth. Soothing really to see such a labor of love come to life.

 I didn’t start quilting myself until I was pregnant with my first daughter.  That’s when I fell in love.  Quilting became my passion, something that was a part of my heritage and identity.  I wanted to create something that would stay with people as their journey changed throughout the years.  As I grew in my quilting skills, I obsessed over learning new techniques, to be able to complete a quilt myself from start to finish.  That is when I began machine quilting on my domestic machine.  While I learned many techniques and patterns on my small table top sewing machine, I also knew my shoulder and neck could not sustain wrangling and wrestling such large quilts.  That’s when my passion shifted.  I purchased my longarm machine and haven’t looked back.

Hand-guided or free motion quilting is how I first learned to longarm quilt.  I felt this would allow me to learn the ins and outs of my machine, giving me more definition in my skills. As labor intensive as it is, I still practice this style of quilting today. The idea of creating a one-of-a-kind quilt still makes me squeal!  I do love a crisp, distinct pattern of quilting though, so naturally I decided to add the computer portion to my longarm machine.  This allowed me to offer more options to my clients to suit everyone’s needs.

So whether you are looking for some traditional, less dense quilting or an intense pattern for more flair, contact me please!  I can do both styles or a wide variety in between!

Together, we can find the right design to make all of your hard work and quilty dreams come true!

Thanks for stopping by Modern Quiltings! 

Take care of yourself and sew a little today, okay?

Best Wishes,
